Thursday, June 26, 2008

Call for Submissions

Submissions are being sought for the next issue of ‘Sri Lankan Artists for Social Change’. We accept articles, opinions, reviews, visual artwork etc. that in some way address the social relevance of the Sri Lankan Arts scene.

Examples of specific areas of interest include:

• The current state of the arts in Sri Lanka and its relevance to local audiences.

• If and why the arts have a responsibility to reflect contemporary social conditions.

• How channeling creative energies towards producing art that is indicative of the times may potentially resonate more with the general populace and draw more responsive audiences.

• Historical precedents of the arts functioning as a catalyst for progressive social change.

• If and how the arts can spread awareness and inspire people to reconsider their roles in society from an informed and responsible standpoint.

• How various artistic mediums (music, theatre, painting, literature etc.) can uniquely and effectively address the social environments within which they function.

• Differences in approach to social justice advocacy in mainstream popular culture vs. niche artistic circles.

• Art and Media Censorship.

• Case analyses/ reviews of politically-outspoken art/artists.

• Remembering the silenced voices of dissenting social commentators.

• The internal politics of institutionalized arts communities and their influence on the artistic playing field.

• Any subject matter that encourages the use of the arts to stimulate individual and collective reflection in their respective audiences.

Written submissions should be within a 750-1500 word-limit and are due by August 1st 2008. [Article proposals/ abstracts are recommended prior to submission of completed material.] Questions, comments, submission proposals and articles should be directed

General Feedback

We welcome your feedback! We encourage your feedback! We even invite you disagree with us! E-mail us at (or, leave comments below the individual articles)

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Please send an e-mail to with Subject-Heading ‘Subscribe to Slasc’ if you would like to be included on our mailing list (we send out an e-mail whenever there’s a new issue of ‘Sri Lankan Artists for Social Change’)

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